We know you all saw Ghost and were inspired!
Scroll to click for individual studios
Spring Classes begin April 7. Registration begins March 16 at 830am. Please refer back to the studios individual schedule pages to register (Scroll down for links to each studio)
Click here for kids and teen classes
About Adult Classes at Mud
8 weekly classes/ $495 includes 25lb clay and unlimited Open Studio Time. Firing Fees are additional. ($.06 / cubic inch measured before glaze firing) up to $25 firing fee credit for Potters joining our studio for the first time.
Info about class dates, payment plans and open studio below! Keep reading!
All the info about our classes is below
All classes meet once a week on your chosen class day for 8 Weeks.
There are five sessions per year, spring, summer, fall, winter one, and winter two.
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY for classes noted as Beginner or Beginner/Intermediate
We follow a comprehensive syllabus to hone this amazing new skill. Already have experience but can only register for a beginner class? Totally fine! All tools are provided, and YOU DON’T NEED TO BRING ANYTHING! Members must be 16 and above to register for Adult Classes. We do offer Teen Classes for 7th grade and above.
Unlimited 24/7 open studio access comes with every 8 week class. Details to be given at your first class!
Make up classes
Gonna miss a class? You can schedule make ups after the first two weeks during other class times, but they must be completed within the session. Missed classes will not be carried over into a new session.
Payment plans are available!
If you do not have the $$$ RIGHT now, click on one of the studio links below and email us. We will send you an invoice with 3 payments, one due at time of registration, the other two over the time of the session.
Please see our cancelation/refund policies. We are a small business and rely on every registration, therefore we want everyone to be clear on the policies!
Current students receive space on class shelves for work in progress, and a cubby to store one bag of clay
If you need more space, additional 24 x 18 shelves are available to rent for $50 per session (limited availability)
This personal shelf is for additional bags of clay, work in progress, personal glazes, and tools. Mud is not a production studio, so if you choose to make more than fits on your shelf, please have it completed quickly, so it does not take up the class shelves.
Click on the locations’ studio logo below to see each studio’s upcoming class schedules
Looking for a one time class? Something to cross off your bucket list?
Click to try one of our Intro Classes
Looking to “up your Clay Game”?
Here are some favorite tools of our members and of the instructors! Have a favorite that’s not on this list? Email me and let me know!