Worshops for Potters and Clay Artists
Raku @Mud
Join Raku Artist Brett Thomas in an outdoor creative experience. Limited to 15 artists (Pizza included, but not made in the kiln!)
Each artist will be able to glaze and fire 5 pieces! Pots must be created with Raku clay (which can be purchased at Ceramic Supply or from Mud at $35 per 25lbs) Pieces must also be bisqued before the workshop. (Glazes will be provided.) Pieces should be no bigger than 12” high and 8” wide.
$175 per artist- No Member discount
4/5 or 6/7 9am-5pm
Cylinder Bootcamp
The cylinder is the basic skill for most of the forms we create. We are often too quick to jump ahead without teaching our body and brain how to make the perfect cylinder. Sign up for this cylinder intensive. YOU MUST KNOW BASIC STEPS OF THROWING A POT! (You don’t have to be good at those steps.) This is not a “from scratch” class! We will be timing and challenging ourselves. Attempting to throw 8 to 10 PERFECT cylinders…(yeah right).
You will get to keep 4 cylinders. Additional pots would be subject to firing fees.
$70 per artist- Members receive a 20% discount
Mendham 4/6 9:30am-1pm
Register HereMadison 5/4 1-4:30pm
Register HereMontclair 5/10 1-4:30pm
Register Here -
Glaze Info Session (Members Only)
Join us for a comprehensive glaze discussion. We will cover
How to choose your glaze colors
What type of glazes we use at Mud
What does a Cone mean?
Best practices when glazing
and more…This is a FREE Workshop, but you need to rsvp
Madison 5/18 @ 9:30 am
RSVP Here -
Big Pots
This one day big pots workshop will cover centering and throwing clay 5lbs and above. We will work on basic cylinders and maybe get a sexy one out of it! We will learn how to increase the size of our “tools” to get larger vessels. Must be able to center 2lbs of clay relatively quickly.
Firing fees not included.
$125 per artist- Members receive a 20% discount
Cracked Pots
Have you seen all those cool pots around the studio that look like archeological finds? Those are what we call Cracked Pots! Wanna learn how to make them? Sign up for this Sodium Silicate Workshop. Learn several methods to get this cool effect.
Includes 8 oz sodium silicate and firing fees for 4 pots. Additional pots would be subject to firing fees.
$125 per artist- Members receive a 20% discount
To Foot or Not to Foot
Trimming is Magic! At least that’s what Mud Member Drew exclaimed 7 years ago. Well it can be! It can finish your somewhat wonky pot, give you a “lift” off the table, and provide a clear area to NOT glaze! But should your pot have a foot? Where does that foot go? Let’s examine this. Please have at least 5 pots to trim. Make sure there is at least 1/2 inch thickness on the bottom. Consult with us prior to workshop!
Firing Fees not included.
$70 per artist - Members receive a 20% discount