Mud Lite Classes at Mendham Mud

Busy time… Not good at commitment? That’s okay... Commitment is scary!

We know you were super excited to see that a new pottery studio was opening close to you! You've always wanted to use the spinning thing "But EIGHT WEEKS!?!?!? I can’t do 8 weeks! What if I hate it!?"

Join us  for a 3 week Intro Class. Learn to throw cylinders, Trim cylinders, and Glaze Cylinders (So, they may not actually look like cylinders, but goals are good!)

And once those "cylinders" (maybe mugs) come out of the kiln, we are sure you will be hooked!

Firing Fees and Clay Used at the first class is ALL included. Our Mud Lite class does not come with open studio, ‘cause you’re a real beginner and there won’t be much time for that! You will complete the class with 3-5 pots and keep everything.

No make ups, so please make sure you can come to ALL 3 classes! We don’t want you miss the FULL experience!

This is for beginners only. (If you’ve done a one time class, you are still a beginner!) You are permitted to take this set of classes 2x

Members must be 16 and above to register for Adult Classes. We do offer 8 week classes or Teens Classes for 7th grade and above)

Mondays 6:30-9pm
March 10, 17 and 24
April 7, 14, and 21

Fridays 9:30am-12pm
March 7, 14, 21
April 11, 18, 25

3 weeks/ $200

Wanna Study Up?

Looking to do some more “studying”? Subscrube to Melanie’s You Tube Channel. Mudgirl Pottery! There you will find instructional videos for cylinders, to bowls, to lidded pots!